Let's Try...
Ladies and Gentlemen, The Pinball Blog proudly presents Pinball Heroes: Cameron Silver. Cameron was employed at Bally/Williams in the nineties and worked on titles such as Scared Stiff and Cirqus Voltaire.
The Pinball Blog. So you're Cameron Silver, the way I see it is you worked your nuts off on pinball machines and then John Popadiuk put his name on them?
I'll add here that I gave Cameron an alternative question in case the first one was a bit too blunt and he kindly answered that one as well!
TPB. Whose idea was the display under the glass on Cirqus Voltaire?
We did have a "Digital Multiball" mode in the game for a while - using the same idea from the video mode in Theatre Of Magic. The display served as a second playfield, and the idea was to knock down all targets to get the jackpot. You'd shoot physical balls into the display by shooting the loops, and could have up to all three balls on the display at once. It was pretty cool! However to do it properly would have required turning the ball-popper into a three-ball lockup (with three additional optos and more metal), which was too much money to devote to one single mode that wasn't really related to the theme at all.
TPB. How stiff were 'Team Stiff' when meeting Elvira?
Actually she was amazing to work with, a lovely person who really loved pinball. She had loads of fun recording speech for us (a lot of it being improvised on the day), and added a huge amount of personality to the game.
TPB. Which machine did you most enjoy working on and which was the most challenging?
CS. The machine I most enjoyed working on was definitely Cirqus. First of all it was the first game I was involved with right from the start, and second of all it began with John unrolling a blank sheet of paper and asking the team "so, what game should we make?!". Considering that less than 12 months prior to that I was a college kid / tech in Australia dreaming about pinball, it was unreal.
TPB. What started with an email to Dwight Sullivan turned into employment in the pinball industry, the stuff of dreams for many of us! I guess the chances of that happening today are pretty slim. Apart from the suit and haircut, what advice can you give a wannabe pinball designer in their quest for employment?
CS. First would be patience, the second would probably (unfortunately) be to find another way to pay the bills. I certainly don't think that pinball is dead; but it's so tiny that even if it quadruples in size, it will still be tiny. I'm in coin-op video now (which I love), but even that is minuscule.
TPB. The Pinball Blog is known for it's vast knowledge of programming(!) 10. PRINT "The Pinball Blog is da best". 20 GOTO 10. Did pinball programming change over the years with technology or were the basics the same throughout?
CS. Things didn't change that much through the WPC years. In fact it's possible to take the very latest WPC operating system (which we called A.P.P.L.E), and re-build the Funhouse code to run on it. Things obviously changed a lot when we started working on Pinball 2000, which was all C++ and PC motherboards, etc. Even though WPC was a tiny 2mhz 6809 processor, that has been the absolute favorite development I've done (admittedly a big part of that is the final product).
TPB. Was there a machine you worked on that never saw the light of day?
More recently, I just finished working on a coin-op, green-screen, video karaoke booth (themed to American Idol) that we were unable to produce due to music licensing issues. A huge shame considering the amazing amount of work (18 months), incredible technology, and long list of "it's impossible" we were able to overcome.
CS. Short answer: no. Long answer (for me anyway) is that I don't like either titles. Revenge is just too dark, I can't see the playfield. Episode 1 has vastly improved lighting, but I'm not a fan of the mode-based rules structure. I feel that both games hold the ball too much, and both over-use the display; however understand that it was intentional to over-use the display in order to show it off (Episode 1 actually uses up less image space than Revenge). Amazingly though some people still don't "get" that platform, which really boggles my mind.
Wizard Blocks had lighting that was a vast improvement over Episode 1, and a much more pinball-like ruleset.
TPB. Who that you met during your pinball career was the most influential to you, and who are you still friends with today?
CS. Working with Steve Kordek on my first game (Ticket Tac Toe) was amazing, and I thoroughly enjoy catching up with him a few times a year. Working with programmers like Ted Estes, Larry DeMar and Tom Uban really shaped what type of programmer I have become today, and I remain close friends with all three (I still see Tom several times a week, and chat with Ted and Larry almost daily).
TPB. What does Cameron Silver do to pay the bills today?
TPB. Finally can you sum up your involvement with pinball in one word or sentence.
CS. Yes.
And there you have it, a great interview with Cameron and hopefully more of what you guys want to read. Many thanks to Cameron Silver for being such a great sport and answering some random questions!
Cameron was already reading The Pinball Blog which is just great, so if YOU'RE reading and you're a pinball designer or contributed significantly in other ways to the industry drop me a line and we'll hook you up. Or if you're a regular Joe like me, then let me know who you'd like to see interviewed on Pinball Heroes and we'll try and hunt them down!
The Pinball Blog
Hey Cameron. Dunno if you make it thru to the comments but worth a shot. I keep seeing rumors about Stern doing a big buck license. Is that something you'd be involved in?
Thanks for this.
There's a version of the "Cirqus Voltaire Pinball Promo" Video here, if anyone wants a look.
John, sorry for the cliche (and it actually hurts me to say it), but I can't comment on projects that are still in development at Raw.
James, great video - brought back memories - thanks :)
Hi Cameron,
Seeing your name pop up here took me back to the early 90's when I used to spend ages in Timezone (Murray Street, Perth) and on RGP during night shifts. Glad to see you made it into the industry - I was wondering what had happened to you :)
Best wishes,
Adrian Donati.
Cameron Silver is going to be joining us for our next "Creator Chat" on CoinOpSpace.com. The chat will be taking place on Saturday, September 26, 2009 at 3pm Eastern Standard Time in the United States. Which is 7pm Coordinated Universal Time.
The chat room for this event is moderated, and questions must be submitted in advance (see the above link for details).
Brian H.
Hi, Cameron -- god, it's probably too late by now, isn't it -- I just wanted to say that it's a great interview, and that I recently found a sheet of rules for a never-produced pinball machine themed on "The Goodies", about a day after I had thought about how wonderful that would be...and it traced back to you, is my point.
So I wondered -- did you really come up with these rules, or was it a pinball fan who desired to remain anonymous creatively? (Also, d'you think the machine could, well, be an entertaining game experience?)
Cameron its been a long time. It Richard from Timezone in Melbourne.. Yeah you put Joshs, Robs and My name on Scared Stiff.. how you been? l'll try and track you down somehow and hopefully catch up. Ciao for now.
Cameron its been a long time. It Richard from Timezone in Melbourne.. Yeah you put Joshs, Robs and My name on Scared Stiff.. how you been? l'll try and track you down somehow and hopefully catch up. Ciao for now.
Hey Cameron, hope you see this. I can remember Adam telling me you went to the U.S. to work on pinball. I thought that was very cool. In a few days time Cirqus Voltaire releases on PS3 in Australia via Pinball Arcade. I look forward to checking out your design :) Cheers Simon Voigt.
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